
Environment policy plays a central role in the European Union. Current trends in the world and in the EU have put environmental policies in the legislative spotlight. Europe’s environment policy has to be carefully designed in order to ensure a good level of protection while minimising compliance costs. Given the comprehensive environmental legislative acquis, smart policy-making is a necessity if Europe is to reap the full economic and environmental benefits from its position.

These environmental challenges cannot be met without a flourishing industry that invests, innovates and develops the technologies, products and solutions of the future. European companies are market leaders in many of these emerging sectors and are committed to providing solutions.

BusinessEurope brings the cross-industry perspective on a range of environmental policies, such as water policy, environmental product policy, industrial emissions and the REACH regulation.


Position papers Date
Priorities for the political trialogues on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation - a BusinessEurope statement 31/01/2024
Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) - Call for harmonisation and complementarity of reuse and recycling 14/11/2023
Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation - a BusinessEurope position paper 25/05/2023
Safeguarding the Internal Market legal basis of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation to obtain best possible outcomes - Joint industry statement 17/04/2023
Revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED 2.0) - a BusinessEurope position paper 28/06/2022
Revision of the REACH regulation - BusinessEurope contribution to the public consultation 14/04/2022
The ‘Essential Use’ concept - a BusinessEurope position paper 28/02/2022
Revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive: avoiding the leap into the unknown 31/03/2021
Industrial emissions directive - BusinessEurope's reply to the targeted stakeholder consultation 13/09/2019
Water framework directive - BusinessEurope reply to the public consultation 12/03/2019
Addressing the interface between chemical, product and waste legislation - BusinessEurope reply to the public consultation 29/10/2018
The future of plastics - a BusinessEurope position paper 25/09/2017
Feedback to the stakeholder consultation paper on "chemical, product, waste interface" 05/07/2017
European social partner statement on tapping the potential from greening the economy for job creation 30/05/2017
BusinessEurope comments on “deriving BAT-AELS” and “standard texts” 19/05/2017
Ensure proportionate species and habitat protection that offers legal certainty for economic actors - BusinessEurope comments 17/02/2017
REACH review: better implementation is needed, not a revision - a BusinessEurope position paper 26/01/2017
Press releases Date
Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation Proposal: BusinessEurope reacts to General Approach 19/12/2023
BusinessEurope on ENVI vote on the revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive: Improvements are welcome, but significant challenges remain 24/05/2023
Revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive: change substantially for better practicality 15/03/2023
IED revision will unnecessarily make industrial operations more complex 05/04/2022
EU’s single-use plastics waste should be a shared responsibility 23/10/2018
Public letters Date
Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Teresa Ribera Rodriguez 13/12/2023
Revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Romina Pourmokhtari 28/02/2023
EU Council meeting on 24 October 2022 - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Anna Hubáčková 11/10/2022
Call for urgent action to postpone the legal obligations related to the SCIP database - Letter from 40 industry associations to Ursula von der Leyen 21/09/2020
Industrial emissions directive: inception impact assessment - Letter from Alexandre Affre to Aneta Willems, DG Environment 21/04/2020
Extending deadlines for non-essential environment and climate-related consultations and regulations - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Frans Timmermans 10/04/2020
Environment Council (5 March 2020) - Review of the Water Framework Directive - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Tomislav Ćorić 03/03/2020
Trialogue negotiation on CO2 standards for new heavy-duty vehicles - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Cosmin Boiangiu 16/01/2019
Comments on the roadmap for the industrial emissions directive - Letter from Alexandre Affre to Aneta Willems 04/12/2018
Reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Amb. Thomas Oberreiter 29/10/2018


Matilda Lindblad

+32 2 237 65 45
Last updated: 6 November 2020