Mission and priorities
BusinessEurope is the leading advocate for growth and competitiveness at European level, standing up for companies across the continent and campaigning on the issues that most influence their performance. A recognised social partner, we speak for enterprises of all sizes in 36 European countries whose national business federations are our direct members.
The organisation is headquartered in Brussels at the heart of the EU institutions. We work on behalf of our member federations to ensure that the voice of business is heard in European policy-making. We interact regularly with the European Parliament, Commission and Council as well as other stakeholders in the policy community. We also represent European business in the international arena, ensuring that Europe remains globally competitive.
Prosperity, people, planet - Three pillars for the EU agenda in 2019-2024
After the European elections in May 2019, the start of the new European Commission marks the beginning of a new political cycle for the EU in 2019-2024. Given the numerous external and internal challenges, this is a crucial moment for the European Union. It is more urgent than ever to define an ambitious agenda for the future and come up with the right solutions in areas where the EU can deliver concrete benefits, such as the Single Market, the common currency, the common trade policy, competition policy or innovation.
We will all have to join forces to deliver a European Union that will create prosperity for Europe and its people, while also managing the transition to a sustainable future to protect our planet. A strong economy is the prerequisite to be able to build a fair and sustainable Europe. Faced with an increasingly challenging economic outlook, strengthening Europe’s economy is therefore more urgent than ever.
Companies, as main creators of jobs and growth, have a central role to play. Achieving environmental and social goals largely depends on their success. However, European companies will only be able to fully play their role in society and set an example for the rest of the world if the competitiveness and economic sustainability of our system can be proven.
BusinessEurope remains strongly committed to the European project and Europe as an important global player to deliver a better world for all. We therefore feel a responsibility to make sure we move forward united and undertake all necessary efforts to build a stronger and better Europe. In this document, BusinessEurope and all its members propose an agenda for the European Union in 2019-2024. Prosperity, people and planet as the three pillars for a successful union should be a source of inspiration for future political decisions.
We stand ready to work with the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council, as well as with Member States, for a successful European Union creating opportunities for all.
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