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EU budget and regional policy

The multiannual financial framework (MFF) is a seven-year spending plan that translates the EU priorities into financial terms. For each annual EU budgetary exercise, it limits expenditure over a fixed period and defines the maximum amounts available for each major category of spending. It also sets up how the budget is financed (so-called “own resources”).  

EU regional policy absorbs around a third of the EU budget for a total of €315bn over the current period 2014-2020. With companies as a beneficiary of EU structural funds, BusinessEurope is closely involved in development of this policy.

Research and innovation, infrastructure related to transport, energy and digital, as well as creating a dynamic interaction between companies of all sizes are key for Europe’s competitiveness. While the amounts devoted to these areas have increased compared to previous budgets, the EU budget still fails to give the necessary clear signal that Europe is focused on the future.

The MFF must concentrate efforts on improving EU competitiveness. The EU cohesion policy is a very important tool to achieve this, and we must take the new post-2020 cycle as an opportunity to ensure we simplify its functioning in order to boost its efficiency and delivery. Cohesion policy must be a key part of an EU investment policy and be given adequate resources to support a more cohesive Europe, which is a basic condition for a proper functioning of the EU, and the Euro-area in particular.


Press releases Date
BusinessEurope on the EC proposals for the MFF review and a package on raising additional own resources: The EU needs an adequate budget, but raising additional funds should not deter investments 20/06/2023
EU own resources plans must not add burden on business 22/12/2021
EU leaders agreement is oxygen for Europe’s economic recovery 11/12/2020
EU agreement on long-term budget is a key step forward for Europe 10/11/2020
EU’s post-2020 budget: Further increase research and innovation funding and reach swift agreement 02/05/2018
European social partners statement on the multiannual financial framework (MFF) 21/03/2018
EU Multiannual Financial Framework post-2020: ensure unity and swift agreement 08/01/2018
Public letters Date
European Multiannual Financial Framework – Letter to the Finnish EU presidency 16/12/2019
European Regional Development Fund - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to members of the European Parliament REGI and ITRE Committees ahead of the plenary vote on the ERDF on 27 March 2019 19/03/2019
European Regional Development Fund - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to members of the European Parliament REGI Committee ahead of their vote on the ERDF on 14 February 2019 11/02/2019
MFF post-2020 should boost spending on research, development and innovation - Letter from Emma Marcegaglia to Jean-Claude Juncker 26/04/2018
Position papers Date
Multi-annual financial framework (MFF) post-2020 proposals - BusinessEurope views 28/09/2018
Declaration of European SME Envoys and business organisations on the visibility of European support for SMEs in the next Multi-annual Financial Framework (MFF) 13/04/2018
European social partners statement on the multiannual financial framework (MFF) 21/03/2018
Public consultation on EU funds - BusinessEurope reply 02/03/2018
Views on the EU multi-annual financial framework (MFF) post-2020 08/01/2018
EU cohesion policy: building an investment policy for a more cohesive Europe 09/06/2017


James Watson

+32 2 237 65 15
Last updated: 15 January 2019