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Better regulation

All stakeholders affected by possible EU action should have the opportunity to give their views about initiatives and the evidence and information that are used to support them, not only at an early stage when policy concepts are not yet precisely defined, but also later when more detailed provisions are drafted.

  • The Commission should publish final draft texts and the draft impact assessments before the initiative is adopted.
  • The Council and European Parliament should make better use of impact assessments, which should be updated to assess the impact of burdensome amendments.
  • There should be more transparency about trilateral negotiations (‘trilogues’) between the Commission, Council and European Parliament in the legislative process.

There should be increased transparency about the reasons and impact of member state decisions to add requirements that negatively affect the single market, competitiveness and growth when they are transposing EU legislation.

Information about burdensome rules should be channelled through the REFIT platform; it should be ensured that stakeholder suggestions are subject to a response based on a comply-or-explain principle by the European Commission.


Public letters Date
Impacts of regulations on competitiveness - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Héctor José Gómez Hernández 15/09/2023
Reduction of reporting obligations - Letter from Fredrik Persson and Markus J. Beyrer to Ursula von der Leyen 31/03/2023
Annual Burden Survey 2021 and stakeholder participation in better regulation - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Maroš Šefčovič 23/11/2022
Better Regulation at the European Parliament: sustaining the commitment - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer 20/11/2020
European Commission stocktaking exercise on better regulation - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Frans Timmermans 14/09/2018
Position papers Date
Competitiveness check in EU policy- and law-making - BusinessEurope comments 27/04/2023
Delegated Acts: streamlining the scrutiny - a BusinessEurope position paper 06/10/2022
Better regulation for a more resilient Europe - a BusinessEurope position paper 15/07/2021
Simplification proposals - Submission to the 'Fit for Future' (F4F) platform 30/04/2021
'One in, one out' at EU level - BusinessEurope strategy paper 24/01/2020
Simplification proposals - Submission to the REFIT Platform 05/04/2019
Stocktaking of the Commission's 'better regulation' approach - BusinessEurope reply to the public consultation 18/10/2018
Impact assessments and the Regulatory Scrutiny Board - a BusinessEurope strategy paper 29/08/2018
Evaluations and fitness checks - a BusinessEurope strategy paper 29/08/2018
Transparent transposition - a BusinessEurope strategy paper 29/08/2018
Public stakeholder consultations - a BusinessEurope strategy paper 17/07/2018
Transparency of trilogues - a BusinessEurope strategy paper 17/07/2018
The REFIT platform - a BusinessEurope strategy paper 17/07/2018
Press releases Date
Publication of 'Long-term competitiveness of the EU' and 'The Single Market at 30': Top quality competitiveness checks are needed for all EU policy and regulatory initiatives 16/03/2023
EU Employers welcome Commission's decision to introduce a competitiveness check in EU policy and law-making - Joint press release by the EESC Employers' Group, BusinessEurope, SMEunited and SGI Europe 24/10/2022
Strategic Foresight Report key for evidence-based policy-making 09/09/2020
Facts and figures Date
Better regulation at the European Parliament - Sustaining the commitment 13/11/2020


Martynas Barysas

+32 2 237 65 72
Last updated: 16 January 2019