
The EU and China are very important trading partners and are currently negotiating on a bilateral investment agreement. BusinessEurope closely monitors the business environment in China and the reform process that is under way in the country.


Public letters Date
BusinessEurope's priorities ahead of the EU-China Summit - Letters from Markus J. Beyrer 05/12/2023
Comments on draft standard contract provisions for the exit of personal information - Letter to the Cyberspace Administration of China 28/07/2022
China's coercive measures against Lithuania - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Valdis Dombrovskis 20/12/2021
Global industry comments on draft data transfer assessment measures - Letter to the Cyberspace Administration of China 01/12/2021
EU connectivity strategy - Letter from Pierre Gattaz and Markus J. Beyrer to Ursula von der Leyen 03/09/2021
China's draft personal information protection law (PIPL) and data security law (DSL) in China - Joint letter from a series of business and industry organisations 02/06/2021
Press releases Date
European Commission President's speech on EU-China relations: Carefully assess and discuss new tools with business 30/03/2023
BusinessEurope paper: EU-China: Engaging with a systemic rival 19/07/2022
EU-China summit: key to resume dialogue and resolve problems 31/03/2022
EU-China deal can be important step to rebalance the relationship 30/12/2020
EU needs fair and equal treatment of European companies in China 21/06/2020
EU should fundamentally rebalance its relationship with China 16/01/2020
China: we expect improved market access for European companies 08/04/2019
EU and China need to advance talks on investment, overcapacity to benefit both economies 16/07/2018
12th EU-China Business Summit "Strengthening the pillar of global trade and investment" - Joint business declaration 02/06/2017
Position papers Date
EU-China relations - Engaging with a systemic rival 19/07/2022
The third China-EU CEO and Former Senior Officials Dialogue - Joint statement 27/11/2019
The second China-EU CEO and Former Senior Officials Dialogue - Joint statement 30/11/2018
Reports and studies Date
The EU and China - Addressing the systemic challenge 16/01/2020
Facts and figures Date
EU-China trade - Facts and figures 17/07/2018


Elena Suárez Sánchez

Senior Adviser
+32 2 237 65 04
Last updated: 25 August 2022