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Goods and standards

A truly functional single market for goods has the potential to spur growth, employment and investment.

Complying with a multitude of national rules instead of applying a common framework is burdening business performance and disregarding the potential it offers economic growth.

Persistence of non-tariff barriers puts a range of businesses under pressure. Smaller businesses willing to scale up and sell cross-border miss out on market opportunities; while businesses with larger production chains through Europe are becoming less competitive in global markets.

Businesses continue to experience a lack of adequate application of mutual recognition and a fragmented application of overly complex regulatory requirements.


Press releases Date
BusinessEurope reacts to the political deal on the EU Product Liability Directive 14/12/2023
Ability to lead on global standards crucial for EU’s competitiveness 02/02/2022
“Goods package”: EU made step forward 07/02/2019
Goods package: EU law should be better enforced to protect consumers and companies 04/09/2018
Goods Package – timely proposals to improve the free movement of goods 19/12/2017
Plenary vote on European Accessibility Act: several steps in the right direction 14/09/2017
Position papers Date
Product Liability Directive: European industry calls for a major rethink 20/10/2023
Europe must maintain industry know-how for its standardisation system to succeed - Joint statement by BusinessEurope and Orgalim 08/09/2023
Proposed Product Liability Directive revision may undermine Europe’s competitiveness - Joint industry statement 16/05/2023
Product liability and AI liability directives - a BusinessEurope position paper 14/04/2023
Common specifications - a BusinessEurope position paper 22/07/2022
Proposed amendment to the Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012 European standardisation - BusinessEurope feedback 07/04/2022
Joint industry statement – Feedback on the standardisation strategy 06/04/2022
The New Legislative Framework (NLF) evaluation - BusinessEurope reply to the public consultation 18/02/2022
Standardisation governance - BusinessEurope reply to the targeted consultation 14/01/2022
Adapting liability rules to the digital age and artificial intelligence - BusinessEurope comments on the public consultation 10/01/2022
General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) - a BusinessEurope position paper 21/12/2021
Priorities for the machinery products regulation - Joint industry statement 04/10/2021
Standardisation Strategy Roadmap - a BusinessEurope position paper 09/08/2021
Effective harmonised standardisation - Joint industry recommendations 06/07/2021
Revision of the General Product Safety Directive - BusinessEurope comments 08/03/2021
The New Legislative Framework (NLF) evaluation: provisional comments 01/12/2020
Shaping a New Deal for the Single Market - Harmonised standards in support of a competitive European industry 27/01/2020
General product safety directive (GPSD) - BusinessEurope reply to the stakeholder consultation 05/12/2019
Guidance on practical aspects of the implementation of Regulation (EU) No. 1025/2012 - Reply to the European Commission consultation of stakeholders 26/09/2019
Free movement of goods: priorities for 2019-2024 22/05/2019
The way forward for the New Approach - a BusinessEurope strategy paper 01/02/2019
BusinessEurope comments on the Commission's 'goods package' 28/03/2018
Joint industry statement on the European Accessibility Act 07/09/2017
Public letters Date
Opposition of BusinessEurope and ETUC to Draft TC 260 Business Plan - Letter to Sergio Mujica, ISO Secretary-General 20/09/2021
Industry competitiveness heavily relies on effective harmonised standardisation - Open letter to Pedro Siza Vieira 01/02/2021
Proposal for a regulation on compliance and enforcement from the 'goods package' - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to ambassadors to the EU 20/11/2018
Interinstitutional dialogue on European standardisation - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer 06/06/2018


Jan Rempala

+32 2 237 65 64
Last updated: 22 May 2019