B20 and B7

The G20 was created to promote a coherent and harmonised response among major economies in times of crisis. Even if the economic and financial situation has improved in the meantime the idea to have a forum where major world players can discuss key strategic topics remains relevant.

Business has a critical role to play in this process as some of the issues or measures being discussed by political leaders have a significant impact on the life of companies. In many cases successful implementation depends on a strong and active engagement from the business community.

BusinessEurope as the leading voice of European business has been very actively involved in the B20 process since the start. We participate in the work led by the various B20 presidencies and are also member of the B20 Coalition - an organisation that groups the major business associations in G20 economies.

The G8, currently G7, is a high-level political forum addressing key international topics related to foreign policy, economic governance, trade, etc. Since key emerging economies are not part of the G7, the G20 was created to ensure broader policy coordination and action in key political or economic topics that have a worldwide impact. G7 and B7 however remain a critical platform to discuss and adopt strategic policy lines important for the world leading economies.


Position papers Date
B7 Tokyo Summit - Joint recommendation 20/04/2023
B7 Germany final communiqué - Key recommendations for G7 leaders 20/06/2022
B20 Italy final communiqué - Policy recommendations to the G20 08/10/2021
B7 Summit 2021 - Joint statement 12/05/2021
COVID-19 crisis: Global Business Coalition calls on G20 leaders to take critical action at upcoming summit 16/11/2020
B7 2019 - Joint statement - Inclusive, Sustainable Economic Growth and Governance for the 21st Century 05/07/2019
"Society 5.0 for SDGs" - B20 summit in Tokyo - Joint recommendations 15/03/2019
For a new political commitment to reshape the global trading system - Global Business Coalition issues statement ahead of the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting in Buenos Aires 19/07/2018
B7 2018 - Declaration 06/04/2018
B7 Business leaders meeting, Rome - Joint declaration 31/03/2017
Public letters Date
The Global Business Coalition (GBC) members call to G20 for measures to enable global supply of vital protective gear, medicines and medical supplies 26/03/2020
The Global Business Coalition (GBC) members call to G20 for measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 & mitigate its effects on people & markets 25/03/2020
Global Business Coalition (GBC) members call for measures to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 on supply chains 19/03/2020
Press releases Date
European businesses call on the G7 to end trade tensions 22/08/2019
EU business: Global growth at risk on trade battlefields 15/03/2019
Global Business Coalition Presidency handover 12/02/2019
G7 must show leadership committing to rules-based trade 07/06/2018
G20 must play a leading role on climate and trade 06/07/2017
B20 calling for international cooperation to shape an interconnected world - Joint B20 statement for the G20 meeting in Hamburg 04/07/2017
Last updated: 7 July 2016