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BusinessEurope joined the Val Duchesse social partners summit to give a fresh start to the dialogue initiated there by Jacques Delors 39 years ago. “We are fully committed to improving the dialogue between EU leaders and social partners as well as among the social partners”, underlined BusinessEurope President Fredrik Persson and Director General Markus J. Beyrer representing European companies of all sizes at the summit. “For us, social partnership has to be an economic and social partnership. Social progress can only be built on competitiveness and growth”, Persson said. Unfortunately, the latest GDP data confirmed that Europe’s economy is stagnating and lagging behind our key competitors. In 2023, EU GDP grew by only 0.5%, compared with 3.1% growth in the USA. It is crucial that employers, workers and policy-makers join forces to put Europe back in the top spot to work, live and do business. - Read more (Photo © European Union, 2024)
On 24 January, the European Commission proposed five new initiatives to strengthen the EU's economic security. This package of proposals follows the June 2023 Communication on a European Economic Security Strategy. The new set of proposals is comprised of initiatives on strengthening screening of FDI into the EU, ensuring more effective export controls on dual-use items, and launching a discussion on parameters to monitor and assess outbound investment risks, among others. BusinessEurope Director General Markus J. Beyrer commented on the newly proposed package: “Today’s EU economic security package brings much-needed clarity to the Commission Strategy announced in June 2023. We recognise the need for a more European approach on export controls and inbound FDI screening. Closing loopholes through coordinated implementation is vital for mitigating security-related risks and safeguarding the single market.” - Read more
"Today the EU’s Single Market accounts for 56 million European jobs and plays a key role in bringing the economic power needed to be globally competitive and achieve the twin transition", BusinessEurope Director General Markus J. Beyrer, representing the European business community, underlined at the high-level debate on European competitiveness and the future of the Internal Market organised by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). "If all barriers to the free movement of goods and services were abolished, the Single Market could unleash €713 billion by the end of 2029", he said. This is a tax-payer neutral amount that could help investment in the green and digital technologies. However, over the last 5 years, the integration of the Single Market has stagnated, and even risks coming to a stop. European businesses are concerned that the mass of new EU legislation over the current political cycle was largely ineffective in removing existing Single Market barriers to cross-border free trade. - Read more
As EU Labour Ministers gathered in Namur, BusinessEurope Director General Markus J. Beyrer stressed 3 social priorities for the next EU strategic agenda:
- tackle labour and skills shortages;
- facilitate mobility within the Single Market;
- create conditions for stronger social dialogue across Europe.
Belgium is taking over the Presidency of the Council of the EU at a critical moment for the European Union. The Council of Presidents of BusinessEurope gathered in Brussels in November last, and adopted their priorities for the Belgian Presidency. "We urge the Belgian Presidency to finalise the adoption of the proposals that are essential for the competitiveness and development of European SMEs", BusinessEurope President Fredrik Persson said. "We call on the Presidency to ensure that the EU creates regulatory breathing space for companies, strikes the right balance between security and openness, and flanks the Green Deal with an Industrial Deal." When steering negotiations on EU policies, the Belgian Presidency should promote a strategic agenda to strengthening the EU economy, so the EU can continue to act as a global anchor of peace, prosperity, security, and stability.
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Today’s challenging geopolitical environment calls for action and decisive EU leadership. To mitigate geopolitical risks, it is key to build a more resilient economy. The European Council on 14-15 December will be an opportunity to make important decisions and shape a stronger EU as a true geopolitical player. Providing new trade and investment opportunities for European companies in the single market and around the world, is key to build a more resilient economy and to mitigate geopolitical risks. The EU leaders will gather in Brussels to discuss EU enlargement policy. BusinessEurope agrees that accession should be a merit-based process, with strict conditionality. We are also convinced that accession requires the ownership of both candidate countries and the EU.
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